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9 days and some odd hours later a guy pulls into camp with his dogs and sled 
he just beat the old record! Yep I will have to kneel here and say this has 
got to be an awesome show of true endurance with the human and animal bond.I 
mean there has got to be times when those dogs are thinking lets ditch this 
idiot who keeps telling us to mush mush mush and lets make kibbles and bits 
of him. But do they?? nope they continue to mush with those little boots 
over their paws and some looking worse for wear continue on. HEY VET I SEE 
ONE THAT IS OFF! Now I don't know squat about the sled dogs but I must say I 
have a new respect for that sport!
I found it very uplifting to watch this as some of the dogs curled up in a 
bed of straw to rest. To be waken in five hours to mush even more. At one 
time the guy was crouched riding his sled sidesaddle to help wind resistance 
and keep somewhat out of the driving wind and cold yet the dogs continued to 
plod onward knowing that they had a job to get their master through. Another 
driver was rather disoriented from lack of rest and from the cold yet 
trusting his dogs to stay on the trail while he croutched over the sled to 
rest. I found that it was an incredible journey that I will never in my 
wildest dreams attempt to accomplish.
I pray that when I get my witts back together and compete again in two years 
that My Ansata will be like the sled dog. Never wandering from the path, 
completely allowing my faith in her to guide us when the trail gets bad and 
my head gets weary, a true buddy that when I need her last bit of energy she 
will find it not from her body but from the heart.
Carla (gee wonder if you can clone a dog with a horse??)
Ansata (MOM don't even go there!)
Haley (Mush is not in my repitore')
Rob (now back to the golf channel!)
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