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Re: RC: Iditarod

At 07:44 PM 4/11/00 -0700, Carla wrote:
I pray that when I get my witts back together and compete again in two years that My Ansata will be like the sled dog. Never wandering from the path, completely allowing my faith in her to guide us when the trail gets bad and my head gets weary, a true buddy that when I need her last bit of energy she will find it not from her body but from the heart.

The good endurance & just plain trail horses do get like that.  I got hypothermia on a ride, tied my reins in a knot & let my horse take me in the last miles of a ride we'd never been on before in the pitch black.  The thought of *steering* a horse for 100 miles gives me the shudders.  Yuck!  I tried preriding Tevis once on an ex TWH show horse who didn't have a clue about trails - she was trained to do only whatever the rider asked and never volunteered one iota to the ride experience.  NOT FUN!  (Well except when she fell off one of the switchbacks & just about onto Potato Richardson's head - he was coming up the trail.  However, that's not the recommended way to meet someone for the first time).  Lif

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