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Re: Whatever

Hey guys

    You guys scare me - I'm very very new at this, and subscribed to this 
service to learn, to gain new insights, and to become a better partner with 
my horse.  I've only been on this service for a very short time, and I'm 
surprised how quickly things turned ugly.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not 
judging anyone, but I would much rather LEARN.  Opinions are wonderful and in 
America, a right that I stand by - but could we please get onto lighter 
subjects.  I have learned quite a lot recently here, but - as a newbie - why 
doesn't someone give an accounting of the vet checks, i.e., how does one get 
stuff to a mid-way vet check (or whatever it's called), what exactly happens 
once you ride up, (i.e., once you have the pulse down, you have 30 minutes 
before the next leg??), does anyone have training tips, can anyone read the 
maps the RMs had out?  (LOL), etc.

    Thank you in advance for your kind assistance - I really do welcome the 
help  :)  Does everyone remember their first ride?  

Memphis, TN

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