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Re: RC: Re: Whatever

At 08:52 PM 4/10/00 -0400, Linda wrote:
Opinions are wonderful and in America, a right that I stand by - but could we please get onto lighter subjects

Hi Linda - glad you're a member of this list now.  Keep in mind that some people have been on this list a long time - and when you're "talking" to the same people every day, you quickly go through & leave behind some topics, such as the things you mentioned:   "why doesn't someone give an accounting of the vet checks, i.e., how does one get stuff to a mid-way vet check (or whatever it's called), what exactly happens once you ride up, (i.e., once you have the pulse down, you have 30 minutes before the next leg??), does anyone have training tips, can anyone read the maps the RMs had out? "

Many of these topics have been discussed a lot already.  The archives are there for anyone who wants to do the research to see what's already been said about them. You can also go to to find out lots of info.   Finally, you can ask for and find a mentor, someone experienced with endurance who is near you and can help you out a lot.

But as for this list - if you have specific questions - ask away!  Generally someone will be glad to answer for you.  However, when no one has asked a specific question, usually what'll happen is that someone will raise some issue of interest that person & anyyone who's interested will go with it.  Lately it's been about an accident at a ride last year, but in the past there have been heated discussions about the price of horses, breeders & breeding for endurance, rescuing horses, euthanasia - and much more!  This list is subscribed to by a mixed bunch - some folks have been into endurance for decades, others haven't just started.  So anything & everything can be covered.  As I said, if you are interested in something specific, don't wait for it to "appear" - just go ahead and ask.  Lif

Lif & Paul Strand
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