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Re: RC: re:Posse ride
Ok - my last post on this subject - I just hate the
shocking misconceptions. The pastor did not PULL OUT
right in front of the two riders! In a perfect world
he would have glanced in his rear view mirror and
speeded up out of their way but its not fair to pillory
someone for driving slowly into a camp full of horses
and kids and keeping his eyes glued in front of him.
I wasn't there so I don't know how far in advance the
riders could see the slow moving vehicle in front of
them and how long they had to make the decision which
side of the pickup to pass on. I am accepting the RM's
word that the road was 24 feet wide which means that
all 3 horses 'could have' passed it abreast on the road.
Also in a perfect world management would have known the
riders would be coming soon and not allowed a vehicle on
the road in front of them at all but I don't recall any
requirement that management be psychic on the
sanctioning form.
Also lets not lump both riders who went off course
together. My recollection from posts at the time
was that one did go back to check on Oury and was
rebuffed. One also accepted the original decision
at the ride of completion only. Only one chose to
file a protest for losing the bonus points for 1st
or 2nd place.
Joe Long wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Apr 2000 17:39:24 -0700, "guest@endurance.net"
> <guest@endurance.net> wrote:
> >julie jhavtaride@aol.com
> >I have read the original posting by manager and maybe I
> >didn't get it fully but WERENT THESE RIDERS OFF COURSE???
> >By runing into the vetting lanes weren't they off course of the ride??
> >Isn't there a specific course they have to follow?? not just ride "out
> >of bounds".. ???? If I cannot control my horse well enough to not
> >run someone over I should stay home.
> Then I guess you should stay home. If I'm sprinting to the finish
> line and find a pickup truck blocking the designated trail, I'm not
> going to sacrifice my horse (and possibly myself) by running him into
> the truck. I'm going to go around the best way I can. I will of
> course try to avoid endangering anyone else, but depending on the
> circumstances that may turn out to be impossible.
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