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Re: RC: Re: Horse slaughter

At 08:14 PM 3/15/00 -0800, Duncan wrote:
there is no reason other than religion or human emotional state that would make a distinction between beef and horse meat.

Yup.  That's why it would be a good idea to look at how all animals get to the slaughterhouse & what happens when they get there. 

Ever follow one of those chicken trucks down the freeway, the ones with piles & piles of cages, some with dead birds in them?  I did that once all the way from Mojave then north on 99.  I was hauling horses & couldn't follow to the semi's destination, but I had talked to the service station owner in Mojave - there were chickens that had escaped from the cages running all around the parking lot.  They said that happened a lot - the birds escaping.  Of course I don't actually know where the birds (dead and alive) were going, but seems to me that if the birds were dying on the way, that just couldn't be considered a "humane" form of transportation.

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