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Re: RC: Horse slaughter
In a message dated 3/14/00 5:29:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, smw@sos.net
<< Perhaps there is a more humane way to deal with
this - it would be wonderful if we could all have
our animals peacefully put to sleep and buried on
the home farm - but that is unrealistic for the
majority. >>
Why not? If you can afford to keep a horse, you can afford to see him out of
this world with dignity and kindness. Shipping him off to some unknown place
where he mills around under God knows what condition for days till he gets
shipped again to the slaughter house is cruel and unusual punishment. That
horse with navicular who could barely walk around.....wonder how the long
haul to the slaughter house felt to him? The few hundred bucks that you'll
make on his flesh can hardly be worth it. Put the guy down (if you can with
a bullet and have the meat processed -- no problem with that). But the whole
WAY that they get to actually be dead is what breaks my heart. Think twice
before you send your horse to the sales yard for slaughter.
Sylvia (realizing this topic is an annual event, but I couldn't stay out --
of course)
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