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Endurance.Net Home Owyhee Fandango International
2008 Fandango
2009 Fandango photos, stories & results

photos from 2009:

Exploring Alder Creek trail
Images by Steph

2008 Fandango
Images by Caroll Gatelier
Merri's Stories:
Fandango Flagging || 200 Miles of Trail || The Caves || Desolate
Day 1: It's All About The Raven || Day 2: It's All About The Trail! || Day 3: It's All About Your Perspective

Steph's Stories : Another Owyhee Ride || Riding Drag

Karen Bumgarner's story: Owyhee Fandango - River Run!
Karen Chaton's Stories: Owyhee Fandango - The First 50 Miles!
Owyhee Fandango: Only 100 Miles to Go - Come Along for a Virtual Ride with Me!
Only 100 Mils to Go - Continued

Merri's Photo Galleries
Fandango Prep || Thursday || Day 1 || Day 2 || Day 3 Gallery I || Day 3 Gallery II || Day 3 Gallery III

Steve Bradley's Photos || Karen Chaton's photos

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Wednesday May 26 2010

A friend once asked me dubiously, when I rhapsodized about Owyhee, "Isn't it desolate?"

Desolate, yes. Big, open, spacious - empty and full. Beautiful.

You could ride for days, weeks, (if you knew where all the gates were) and not see a soul.

You'll see deer, snakes, Ravens, eagles, and maybe pronghorns like I did today. You might see, if you're lucky, bighorn sheep or badgers, or, if you're very lucky, cougars.

You might stumble across an old mine, a nugget of gold (there's still gold in the Owyhees), an arrowhead. You might discover an old rock corral or homestead or dam, a cave with thousands-year-old relics, an old irrigation channel from the gold rush days, an old wagon frame or wheel. You might ride over old wagon wheel grooves on the Oregon trail or you might discover a pioneer's grave. You might drink from a cool spring in a hidden canyon.

The Owyhee mountains are quite small - in height and length and breadth - in the scheme of western mountain ranges - but they preside splendidly over the Owyhee desert. They fill the sky and dance with the storm clouds.

Sometimes it's just you out there and nothing else - and everything else.
