Jody and Angie's List for the Begining Endurance Rider
Ride horse at least 5 times before entering.
Make sure horse has good shoes.
Food: Empty refrigerator into the cooler. People will eat anything at a ride.
Put in your BEST hay. Bury nose in several bales and pick your favorite. Sneeze your way to the truck. Fill up every container you own that will hold water.
Dump most of my clothes into a duffle bag. *something* will probably be appropriate, if not, 3 of something stacked may work.
Throw everything in the barn into the trailer. Look around for other possibilities, maybe a few of hubbie's tools.
Try to remember to take the directions. If not, hope you have speed dial to some other rider who is on their way and hope they remembered the directions. If not, pray things look familiar from last time you went.
Figure out some type of containment ( can be pen, Hi Tie, rope, hobbles, hay string around neck, chain, whatever)
Stand around watching what others do day before the ride and imitate.
Pick out someone to follow during the ride, preferably someone that has a sane horse that doesn't buck, shy or try to run away.
Get on the horse and follow the markers.! :-))
If you are a woman, at the vet checks look really alluring, wearing very tight, thin tights (be sure to bend over lots) and some man will jump up to help you. If you are a man (and not Brad Pitt), you are most likely tough out of luck.
After finishing, kiss horse and smile at the men that helped you carry the water for the horse.
Go to the awards and enjoy the celebration of what you have accomplished.
Courtesy of Jody Rogers-Buttram and Angie McGhee Reprinted TOTALLY without permission!!