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Re: Ride Managers' Viewpoint

-----Original Message-----
From: Truman Prevatt <>
To: <>; RideCamp
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 1999 9:47 AM
Subject: RC: Ride Managers' Viewpoint

>I have been at rides where the finish was up to a mile away from the base
>to provide for a safe finish like.  While this may be a pain in the butt,
>some cases it is necessary.

This was precisely the case at the Sugar Valley ride in Nebraska last
weekend. The last 1 1/2 miles into camp was all paved roads, so they set the
finish line down a county road that was dirt a mile and a half from camp.
They blocked the road with vehicles when they saw riders coming, so it was
all very safe! I was worried about having to ride my horse the extra
distance back to camp before getting my completion, but at least we had a
safe finish line! :-)


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