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Re: Heart Rates
In a message dated 98-06-25 12:48:35 EDT, you write:
<< The vet asked the owner to bring her back the next
morning for a re-check - without the stallion around. >>
I saw a sad situation at the Tevis back in the '70's when folks still used to
get hung up about respiration--they had set a 48 parameter for respiration,
and I rode into Robinson Flat on my stallion alongside a very nice, very fit
mare who happened to be in heat. We got separated into different vet lines,
and she FAILED TO PASS at Robinson Flat because she would take a couple of
normal, deep breaths and then 4 or 5 quick sniffs, trying to find my boy. The
PR folks counted every sniff as a breath, and could not get her below 52.
(Her pulse, BTW, was 48.) Could not talk any sense into them about the
sniffing, either, even though it was quite clear that her "real" resp. rate
was somewhere in the 20's. Sure glad those old "rules" are out the window
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