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Re: TTeam Bit


I use the TTEAM Roller Bit training and competing my endurance gelding
TF American Express..

The use of this bit and going back to basics with gymnastics (dressage)
etc., has brought this guy around to being MUCH more manageable and
rounded. He accepts it readily at all times, at home and on the trail.
In the longer distances, I may replace it with a side-pull, but gener-
ally, it's the roller bit that's hanging on his halter bridle. Honestly,
it seems like a lot of gear when I go out...especially now, as there
are face flies in the woods, so I've got my hands full of reins, a 
long dressage whip in one hand (I copied Steve R.) and a fly wisk in the
other!Once one is used to carrying the reins (I learned this at least 25
years ago but hadn't used a double rein in a long time) it's no problem.
And everything can be carried nicely in one hand too, for some relaxa-
tion..(I can only gather these things correctly in my right hand, tho').

The article in the TTEAM mag. is very good and thorough. A neighbor of
mine has a practically new bit..she might sell...I saw that Roger Ritten
house said that his was for sale.

I might add, that "Amex" was going in an extremely strong, almost out of
control upside down manner when I took him over..his movement was crook-
ed, he wouldn't pick up his right lead, etc., company he was
impossible, especially as we turned for home from whatever point in the
woods...a real pain (literally, as my right leg was bloodied trying to
keep him straight, etc.!) I tried to give him back from whence he came.
No luck...

Bought some new equipment..Ariat Half Chaps (wonderful), better breeches
and stuck the TTEAM roller bit on him...then got him some adjustments
and therapeutic massages, and went BACK TO BASICS...the stuff I sort of
put aside when I got on the distance trail (I have some background with
Hunters and Combined Training..the short version of Eventing)...

The TTEAM roller bit LOOKS awful, but it is a wonderful tool if one uses
it correctly...

Oh yes, I also use a running martingale attachment on the SNAFFLE REIN
of this the correct length, of course. It's a lot of stuff,
but on this guy, it works. 

Hope this info is of some help to you.

Deena Meyer
Inverness, Fl. with TF American Express(I'm really glad YOU kept me!).

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