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Re: Endurance???

>Resent-Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 16:29:54 -0700 (PDT)
>Date: Sun, 07 Jun 1998 16:28:20 -0700
>From: Softrider Saddles <>
>Subject: Re: Endurance???
>References: <> <>
>Resent-Message-ID: <"3YDbo.0.ac6.I9oUr"@starfish>
>X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/13114
>Precedence: list
>To all of you that have tryed to flame me!!!  I know alot of people that
>are handicaped
>do YOU want to tell them that riding even 1 mile is not endurance.  I
>know several people that it is an endurance to just get up on the horses
>back!!  Please don't be so strick with what you claim to be endurance.
>To some people it is a major feat. just to get up there.
>Try to think more about  peoples feelings befor you jump in with your
>fingers.  Some Think that just getting up there is enought.  Do you want
>to go out there and tell the people that because they couldn't finish a
>1 or more mile ride that they couldn't finish!!!!  Give them a break!
>Not everybody has the musles to do what you do. Some have to do what
>they can. I for one am not going to tell that person that they can't
>compete in ENDURANCE riding because they can't even saddle their horse
>(just because they don't have control of their musles)  If they have the
>courage to do it why should people like you think you are being put
>down.  Maybe, because this other person is handicapped! Are you that
>insucure that you have to put down other people that are not in ""as
>good of condition as you are"" Give everybody a break and not be so
>condiming because you have more money or musles!  Because if that is
>what endurance riding or limited distance riding is all about then I'm
>not for it. If you have the courage to go out and try it no matter what
>distance you can do WHAT does that hurt to say you are an endurance
>rider! Endurance just means that you had what it takes to endure, what
>ever milage you do.  And I dout that these people will conflict with
>what you are doing if anything but talking with your fingers.
>Most handicaped people can talk real good with their fingers too.
>I have my flame retardent suit on too, But my heart is with the people
>that to ride a mile is to Finish!!  To Finish Is To Win!!!  No matter
>how far!!!!!!

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