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Re: Endurance???

You've got it all backwards.  Now, just "thinking" about doing an endurance
will not make you and endurance rider.  20 years ago, 50 milers were
considered "training rides".  Are we digressing or what?

In Matthew Mackay-Smith's words, " A 50 is half an ride"


Softrider Saddles wrote:

> I think any body doing more than 10 miles can consider it an endurance
> ride. Others might think that it is not endurance but to the person that
> can't do anymore than that, Why take the glory away from them!! They are
> not compeating with the 50 or 100 mileres, so why make them feel like
> they are not doing distance. Distance does not have a definet answer.
> So why not let the person that goes out and does 10 miles be called a
> distance rider if it helps to make them feel better about the ride that
> they think is out-standing!! (because it might be all they are able to
> do.)  Don't be so fast to say that if you don't do so many miles you are
> not an endurance rider. Let them think they have done a terrific feat.
> They think so!
> Rebecca

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