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More: Electrolyte/Probiotic questions
Heidi wrote:
>Sounds to me like he is lacking in some trace mineral other than sodium or
Heidi, Sue and group,
I bought Blue loose minerals to put out in his tub, he won't eat those
either. So I sprinkle some in his feed and he eats it then. So if he
tries to eat rocks and stuff like that but won't eat the loose minerals
what's that mean? He seems to do it more in the summer, which I thought
would be a mineral in-balance from sweating a lot.
Also I am using acculytes due to the pro-biotic mixture in it. But I am
only planning on using it at rides, and then using the cheaper electrolytes
at home. There is a feed called Super Horse 14 by Calf Mana that has
probiotics in it also, I was thinking on starting Blue on this stuff, my
question is, is there a point where too much pro-biotics is bad for a
horse? If I feed this feed then can I still use the acculytes at rides? I
found that giving him probiotics before we shipped to our last ride kept
him from going off his feed, but I don't want to go overboard either.
Cheryl Newbanks
~~ ^ ^ Just In Time Ranch
~~~\ _ ~~/ /\ / Buckeye, AZ
( )__ ) ' ' horsetrails@inficad.com
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