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Re: NATRC/endurance

Diane,  I am sorry you feel that way, I know some of the judges
can be a little rough and sometimes unfair but I wish you would
try again, I've been riding for a few years and have done  about
6 NATRC rides (I'm in reg. 5) and really love it. Sometimes things 
you are judged unfairly, just got back last night from South Mountain
ride in NC and the points I lost for having a dirty girth area on
my gray arab kinda got to me, specially when I scrubbed my horse for at
least 20 minutes with a sponge and did as good as I could with a sponge and
water  while my trailer mate gave her bay a once over glance with a brush and
I got deducted points she didn't. But I laughed and said oh well I'm the one
who bought the white horse. No, I've never had a judge embarrass me for 
something I did, and I hope that your ride management was taking note
of that. I have to say overall in region 5 I have meant some great people
willing to go out of their way to help. I am sure other reg. are that
way also. Give it another try you might be surprised.


>	Needless to say, I have never attended another NATRC ride, and I
>doubt I ever will.  	
>	I would rather ride the hills in my back yard than pay someone
>$50-60 to tell me I really suck.  I thought the idea of NATRC was to  offer
>suggestions for improvement, but that was not my experience.
>DH & JJ

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