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Re: trail preservation
Teddy wrote:
>By the way, does the American Horse Council address the trails issue? Is AERC
>a member? I am not aware of it, if so, are we pursuing it?
I was just about to mention American Horse Council when you message
came in --- Ohio's Chapter (OHC) is *very* active working with state officials
(Parks & State Forests) to maintain a good relationship and keep our trails.
I attended a Trail Advisory Meeting in November held by Ohio Dept. of Natural
Resources - a meeting between ODNR officials and interested horsemen -
mostly represented by various OHC county chapters. It was very encouraging,
there is a good horse-friendly atmosphere in Ohio for the most part and the
ODNR officials are receptive to ideas and provide the necessary funds for
a lot of trail maintenance. I feel this is due in large part to the efforts
of the
horse council members.
However, I don't know what the relationship is with the USFS - I will bring this
up to our OHC group - we do have large areas of National Forests in Ohio -
maybe the USFS folks could also meet with the OHC officials? Teddy, do you
have an active OHC group in your area (who would be good liasons with
USFS officials?) This is a critical issue and I'm glad you brought it up - I
wasn't aware of the problems in Wayne National Forest.
We have a wonderful trail system in Ohio now (over 1,000 miles) but if USFS
sets a precedent in "their" forests.....
Jude Hall
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