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Re: trail preservation
In a message dated 98-01-30 20:32:13 EST, bobmorris@rmci.net writes:
Do not slight the Mt. Bikers, the 4x4 drivers, the ATVers, the snowmobilers
and the hikers. They are our allies not our foes. We all need the trails
and need to promote multi-use of those trails we have. Look into other
organizations like the Blue Ribbon Coalition. They were instrumental in
getting the Symms Fund passed and then extended.
I do realize they are our allies...but when it comes to maintenance, they come
first, there are MORE of them so they get heard. You are right, we need MORE
involvement from horsemen AND it IS a full-time job.
We need a lobbyist for our cause...and that takes $$$$. All over this country
I hear abolut trails problems. It is no small matter and someday we, our
children or our children's children will only ride trails in movies.
There is no way I have time to pursue all of this, It is tough enough to find
time to write letters and attend meetings much less ride.
By the way, does the American Horse Council address the trails issue? Is AERC
a member? I am not aware of it, if so, are we pursuing it?
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