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Re: sanctioing LD rides
On Tue, 27 Jan 1998 13:58:53 -0800, Steph Teeter <step@fsr.com> wrote:
>Regarding the non-sanctioned rides: I was informed that there is a
>'standing rule' (this is what I was going to ask you about) that was
>voted on by the board, many years ago, but never incorporated into
>the printed rules, that says that a non-sanctioned event may not be
>held at the same time, on the same course as a sanctioned event.
>I believe this was intended to apply to rides of the same distance though-
>I doubt if 10 mile trail rides were considered at the time.
It was several years back when I was still on the Board. The concern
was twofold. Insurance concerns, and damage to the AERC should a
"crash & burn" 25 mile race not following AERC rules be held in
conjunction with an AERC event -- and a disaster occured. The Catoosa
disaster was on everyone's minds.
That is, we wanted to be sure that *all* rides held at an AERC
sanctioned event have proper veterinary control. I don't recall that
any resolution was arrived at for the "fun rides" of less than 25
Joe Long
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