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RE: sanctioing LD rides
Hi Ramey,
Regarding the non-sanctioned rides: I was informed that there is a
'standing rule' (this is what I was going to ask you about) that was
voted on by the board, many years ago, but never incorporated into
the printed rules, that says that a non-sanctioned event may not be
held at the same time, on the same course as a sanctioned event.
I believe this was intended to apply to rides of the same distance though-
I doubt if 10 mile trail rides were considered at the time.
I would love to see how this standing rule is stated. I'm not even sure
what year it was voted on, but I think it was a long time ago...
This came up primarily due to the Cosequin Challenge ride. This ride
is 3 concurrent events - FEI, IAHA and the open AERC 100 mile ride. The
brochure stated that those that pay their $250 entry fee are 'eligible'
for the AERC open event.... implying that they could pay their fees,
do the ride, but not participate in the AERC sanctioned event i.e. not
be bound by AERC rules. The concensus of the competition committee
was that this is NOT allowed - they could not have some participating
in the AERC ride only, and some participating in the FEI ride *only*.
All must be at the very least entered in the AERC sanctioned event,
following AERC rules. The brochure will be re-written to state that
all who pay their entry fee will automatically be entered in the AERC
(open) 100 mile ride.
This is not to say that an FEI only (non AERC) ride cannot be held,
only to say that *if* there is to be AERC sanctioning of the event,
then all who enter must be enrolled in the AERC event. Bottom line.
At least this is what I understood... some things still seem a little fuzzy.
There doesn't seem to be any objection to the concurrent running of
rides less than 25 miles.
(I'll have to dig around for last year's insurance policy for our ride... I don't
think it matters whether it's AERC sanctioned or not though)
Here in the Northwest Region we have a number of PNER Rides that offer
training events of less than 25 miles. At the Sunday Board meeting in
KY, I asked if these events must be sanctioned as well? The response
was "no" in that they are not LD rides be definition (see AERC rules and
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