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Re: Dogs & kids in camp
Just had to get my .02 in on this one. In addition to the obvious endurance
and Arabian addiction, I breed and show English Mastiffs. I dearly love my
dogs, and they are my companions. I would no more turn them loose at a horse
event than I would turn my horses loose at a dog show. If all horse people
would abide by the adage that "Unleashed Is Unloved" we would all get along.
Dogs on leash or confined to their own camping areas do not spook horses, do
not trip up horses or people, do not swipe food, do not make messes in other
people's spaces or walkways, etc., etc. I prefer to leave mine home, because
there is nothing for them to do at an endurance ride. I can also relate to
those who do not have dogsitters at home and have no choice. If that is the
case, do your homework and be a responsible dog owner. Not only do others
around you appreciate it, but your dog's safety and welfare rest with how
responsibly you control your dog.
Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (and Willow Creek Mastiffs)--(Oregon)
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