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Re: Dogs & kids in camp
I am afraid that the trend is for dogs not to be allowed at rides. I feel
that this is unfortunate because of the relatively few offenders. They also,
always seem to be the same people time after time. Dogs in camp rules are
like any other rules. It is hard to do but if a dog is running loose [even
your best friend's] you need to go to ride management and insist that they
enforce their own rules. I personally take four dogs to the rides that allow
dogs. Most of the time no one even realizes they are there. They spend most
of their time in the trailer but believe me, they prefer that to being left at
home alone. Also, they have great fun on the trip there and back. They get
to walk around at rest stops and play and have a great time. What really
angers me the most is the occasions I have paid money I cannot afford to board
my dogs and see loose dogs at the ride that says the rider will be
disqualified. I have never seen the rule enforced but you can bet that after
being disqualified a rider would think twice before breaking that particular
rule again. At one ride, my Rott/Dobe cross decided to bark at night. After
about 5-10 barks Igot her out of the trailer and let her sleep in the camper.
Not good training for her but good manners for me. She has only done that
once, thank God. Also, at the risk of being chastised severely, it seems that
people who own little dogs think the rules don't apply to them. Why is
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