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Re: is this fair?
Cyndi Craig wrote:
> i've been doing 25s for about a year. i am happy doing 25s -- i don't
> have time to train for longer distances - i have another horse i compete
> with in dressage -- and i don't want to do 50s.
> i have been getting the feeling that the LD riders are the
> "stepchildren" of the aerc,
I don't think they are treated as stepchildren, but initially when the
limited distance program was started it was set up as a
conditioning/training type program with the idea that it would be used
as a stepping stone to longer distances. I think that some of the
limited distance riders are now s looking at the 25 mile rides
differently, and are not moving up to longer distances. At the AERC
convention, the Board of Directors discussed this and I think changes
may be made in the limited distance program to reflect this new trend.
although if you look at the dollars, the
> 25-milers usually generate the most income for rides, just because there
> are more of them....
At our rides in San Diego, there are usually more 50's than 25's.
> so here's a question for everyone.
> i recently received a mailing for a ride where they were priced as
> follows:
> 25 mile $55
> 50 mile $75
> 75 mile $100
> i was a little disconcerted because i felt the 25s weree being asked to
> pay more than their fair share. if you calculate it on a per-mile basis,
> the 25s are $2.20 a mile, whereas the 75s are only 1.30 a mile...almost
> double for the 25s..
> i especially feel this is unfair for other reasons:
> 1) 25 milers only have one vet check
the 25 miles have a preride, and post ride check as well.
> 2) most 25 milers do not spend an additional night at camp, where many
> 50s, and virtually all of the 75s do.
you have the option of staying for the whole weekend, and the basecamp
must be rented for the whole weekend to accommodate anyone who wants to
spend the night (and many of them are 25's if they have come from a far
> opinions?
The difference in costs in preparing the 25 mile course or the 50 mile
course are nominal. The majority of the costs for the entire ride are
set costs and have nothing to do with the distance ridden. (sanctioning,
vets, farrier, insurance, mailing and printing, ride packets, porta
potties, completion awards, forest service permits, drug fees, food,
hay, basecamp rental, etc). The difference charged between the 25
and 50 is for one additional vet to handle the third vet check for the
50's and for the additional awards that are given to the 50's--first
place, top ten, and division awards), but the majority of the ride costs
are borne equally by all the riders regardless of the distance ridden.
When you think about it, for $55, you and your family can camp for the
weekend, your horse is examined by a veterinarian 3 times, you get a
completion award and dinner, and you get to spend time with good
friends. It sounds like a great deal to me!
Terry Woolley Howe
San Diego
> cyndi
> cyndi.craig@chron.com
> donerail farm
> alvin, tx
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