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Re: is this fair?
>i was a little disconcerted because i felt the 25s weree being asked
>pay more than their fair share. if you calculate it on a per-mile
>the 25s are $2.20 a mile, whereas the 75s are only 1.30 a
>double for the 25s..
The ride manager's view":
It cost the same to mail your application, and pay for your sanctioning.
Your T-shirt cost the same.
There are just as many awards (at our ride) for the 25's.
We pay the same amount (per rider) for you to use the camp, whether you
stay or not.
We pay the same amount for your meal.
It cost the same to insure you.
Actually, don't think of it as paying by the mile. Think of it this way,
we charged a certain amount of money to let you and your horse come out
and ride "enough". You got "enough" a lot cheaper than the 100s got
"enough". You had a great weekend, visited with friends, enjoyed the
trails. The 100's did the same. Looks like you got a bargain.
Angie McGhee
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