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Re: Stumbling
In a message dated 98-01-22 08:02:42 EST, you write:
<< Does anyone have problems with their horse stumbling, no matter the
angle of the hoof? If so, what is the solution? >>
Certain conformations due predispose a horse to stumbling. In particular, a
long arm (humerous--runs from the point of the elbow to the point of the
shoulder) relative to the length of the shoulder. The horse's forelegs look
"set back" behind the chest.
My David is built somewhat like this, and he is prone to stumbling. What has
helped me: on the forehooves, keeping the heel a little long relative to the
toe, and dressage--teaching him to "lift" that forehand. Also, riding on
rough ground so he learns to watch where he is putting his feet!!!
Trish & "pretty David"
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