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Re: Falling off of cliffs
On Thu, 22 Jan 1998 16:37:18 -0800 (PST) Lucy C Trumbull
<elsie@calweb.com> writes:
>> We noticed that most folks leaned <away> from the edge. Think of
>> following scenario:
>> Cliff to the right
>> Solid mountain to the left.
>> Rider leans to mountain/to the left. His/her left seat bone is now
>> weighted and pushes the horse to the right, TOWARDS the edge. Poor
>> horse is being told to side pass off the side of the mountain and he
>> probably thinks the rider is crazy.
I Disagree. I just got on my knees and had my 7 yr old daughter ride my
back. When she leans left, I stagger left, when she leans right I weave
to the right. I have to stay under her weight or I fall. The seat bone
theory didn't work.
When you do leg yields, I was told, lean in the direction that you want
the horse to go.
Angie McGhee
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