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Re: Dogs and Trail Riding
I agree. I love to take my dogs on rides, but not to competitive rides,
only on training rides.
chris paus & the pack
At 11:45 AM 1/19/98 EST, SandyDSA wrote:
>In a message dated 98-01-19 09:31:08 EST, you write:
><< We have two GREAT trail dogs, who go out with us on all of our
> conditioning rides (and whine miserably back in camp when we leave
> them while competing).
> The younger of the two is a black lab cross (and is so injury prone
> --impalings on branches, porcupines, tangles with farm equipment,
> stepped on by the lead horse on a ride, etc.-- that there was a time
> we called her 'Deathwish Deva', who last week ripped her dewclaw while
> playing. Our vet wrapped it up, gave us some antibiotics, and made a
> surgery appointment for us for TOMORROW to have both dewclaws removed
> (since we do so much riding thru woods with the dogs). She'll be on
> 'restricted activity' for two weeks, during which it will be difficult
> to determine who will go lulu first, the dog (from lack of exercise)
> or us (from having to put up with same).
> So, here's the question. Should we do it? Have any of you done the
> same? Any warnings, words of wisdom, or suggestions?
> >>
>I think this is a related topic since so many seem to want their canine pals
>along for the ride. In the words of our close vet friend, "they would rather
>stay at home and sleep in the sun anyway. The commotion of public places is
>disconcerting to your pets". Not only THAT, but in order to keep my pets
>AND keep them from being a nuisance and a hazard, I must attend to them much
>more than I truly have time to, and there is enough to do at an event - show,
>ride, etc. It is one mor ething to concern with, and you HAVE TO. I consider
>loose dogs, barking dogs, and dog excrement all over the place a bloody
>nuisance when I am readying for a ride or show - and so ours stay home -
>happily. Certainly there is a concern for the safety of the dogs, but in
>addition, there is the safety of other riders, understanding that not ALL
>horses are accustomed to having dogs racing about or jumping at their heels.
>So...in answer to this question: Well, do you want more to worry about and do
>you wnat to have to babysit your pets on a ride? If you bring them you will
>have to do so.
>p.s. more rides are not allowing dogs to attend. We like this.
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