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Re: good riding excuse
Remind whiney husbands that without our horses, we would likely be taking
up space at the psychiatrists' office at $100 or more an hour!
chris paus & the starman
At 09:05 AM 1/19/98 -0700, Craig W. Hadley wrote:
>>"I believe you should live each day as if it is your last, which is why
>>I don't have any clean laundry, because, come on, who wants to wash
>>clothes on the last day of their life?"
>With five kids, two dogs, two cats, and a husband who thinks I'm a little
>nuts for trying to do horses too, I tell him that this is a sanity saver and
>the only way I am going to stay OUT of the loony bin.
>Who wants to do laundry and clean house, when your horse is waiting to go
>for a ride.
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