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Re: Bits to Hackamores (reply)
> How d'you train your horse not zoom, when he never does normally...
> *until* that first endurance ride...?
Good question! One I don't really know the answer to, and would love to
hear from others.
I am currently operating under the assumption that part of the excitement
for Lakota was simply the excitement of having other horses to ride with
-- a rather rare occurrence for us. So, with that in mind, I have jumped
at every opportunity to trailer him to other barns locally, to ride with
other horses, to get him more accustomed to this "ho-hum" activity and
hopefully take some of the edge off for him. I must say, last weekend
when we did this, he was an absolute angel, even at the canter, didn't
pull a bit, just generally behaved exactly the way I've always dreamed. :)
And I had him in the snaffle, too, not the curb. Of course, whether this
was a true improvement or merely a fluke remains to be seen ... <bg>
Glenda & Lakota
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