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Re: Bits to Hackamores (reply)
I wrote:
> I suspect that sometimes there is a tendency for people just to
> let their horses go down the trail at an "active pace" - afterall,
> you want the horse to "move out" down the trail with little fuss.
> But I wonder how many of them are doing this because they don't
> have much choice in the matter? Because it's easier to "let them
> go" than be in charge of what speed the horse travels at.
and Glenda R. Snodgrass wrote:
>...but I do know that Lakota is the most laid-back, easy-going,
> SLOW starting, non-competitive Ay-rab you've ever seen in your life, and
> he took off like a bat out of hell at Long Leaf, bucking down the trail,
> totally shocked my socks off. Fortunately, thanks to Cheryl Newbanks'
> earlier warning, I had switched his usual loose-ring snaffle for his curb
> bit (same mouthpiece for comfort, different action), or else I would have
> pulled on his mouth till the blood vessels in his lips burst. Seriously.
There is that too <grin>.
How d'you train your horse not zoom, when he never does normally...
*until* that first endurance ride...?
Lucy Chaplin Trumbull - elsie@calweb.com
Displaced English person in Sacramento, CA
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