Re: significance of white hairs
Angela C. McGhee wrote:
> I have had some trouble with my saddle putting pressure on the left side
> of my horse's withers...with several different horses. BUT, anyone who's
> ever seen me ride knows I never put my sponge away. I carry my sponge in
> my right hand and my reins in my left. I think that may have twisted my
> body just enough to put pressure on the left side of the withers.
That's an excellent point! Just the weight of your hand, arm & shoulder can
twist you or weight one side of the horse. When I switched from a mild curb
(uxeter kimberwicke) where I was using both hands to a hackamore where I used
one hand, I had to remember to switch hands every so often to keep things
A person's head weighs a lot, too! If you are constantly looking to one
side, it can put you off balance as well and cause problems. Ask a
hunter/jumper what happens if they look down as they come into a fence!
Also, if you are riding a long ways with a partner, switch sides periodically
so you don't keep looing in one direction. (Not to mention you can reduce
the fatigue for the horse's legs if the road is crowned.)
Hey, Angie - you must never get to put your sponge away because you ride in
the SE in all that heat & humidity. We need to get you out to places where
you are more worried about rump rugs and blankets than sponging! Just think
- no more face plants with a wet muddy sponge! (This is coming from a rider
who used to live in central FL - now in cool, comfortable WV.)
Linda Flemmer
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