Re: Mares returning to work after foaling
Thu, 19 Dec 1996 21:00:16 -0500

My stallions mother was ridden on a tough 2-day 60 CTR four days after
weaning him. She won it hands down (the only horse to make it in on time)
this was 1982. It can be done. I ride mare in competition throught 5th or
6th month and then lightly thereafter...I start when foal is 3-4 weeks old by
leaving him at home or havin ghim follow where safe...when foal is 3 months
old, I am usually ready to wean foal and start campaigning the mare...if the
mare is an old campaigner...we go right into 50's ..slow for the first few,
if not, we do CTR for a month or so. It can be done. Refer to my story of
last week and last month where a mare my vet said wasn't pregnant did 650
miles (350 past 5 months..the last 100 two weeks before suprpirsing us with a
foal). I would not have done it had I known..but she looked and felt so
good, I never had a hint until she bagged up...
