I hate to even say this with all the rain the rest of California is having, but here in Bear Valley we got the first signficant rain today. It's been like we're in a bubble - every storm except this latest one, has gone totally around us - go figure.
Oh Peggy, I envy you! Over here in Apple Valley, well, we're suppose to be a desert, right?? Nope, guess again; I must have moved to a tan-colored rain forest! The main road (for us) that crosses the Mojave River is closed and covered in 4 feet of rushing water. Take advantage of your good weather when you have it....I haven't been able to ride in 5 days. It's hard to use even the best terrain when it's all turned to two-foot-plus slop; yeah, even the sand! Arrrrrrrrgg.....and Fire Mtn in a little under 2 weeks. I really really hope it clears up.
Blue goo, Tori?? How strange...what is it? I think I might want to hear the stories! <bg>
Speaking of human shoes, what do you all ride with when it's this wet and mucky? I've got a pair of Montrails that work wonders for summer, but are literal sponges when tailing/leading during the winter. Don't need the heavy-duty-won't-freeze-steel-toed stuff, just ones that are waterproof, breathable, and easy to clean afterwards. Ideas?
--Kaitlin Elliott (who stupidly sent this to the RCdigest server the first time...duh!)