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Re: [RC] bitting question - MJWEST02

I have been using a French Snaffle on my mare. She loves it and I can ride on a loose rein.  However, when we are on the trail, she will totally ignore it.  The mare likes to be in the lead on the trail with her buddy until she reaches mud or water.   When her buddy passes in front of her (since she has turned and refused to go) she then wants to RUN/BARGE through it and up her friends butt -  whether it be the mud, over the creek, up a steep bank...    ( WHOA and pull back don't work, I have tried lifting directly UP to stop her, this doesn't work either.  I have to use gloves or I pull many blisters)
This is NOT good trail etiquette.  I need a bit that she will pay attention to - I have been using a kimberwick at home in the arena and she seems to respect it - but the trail will be different.   I have had the pelham suggested but I don't want to use double reins on the trail.  Any suggestions? 
Thanks - Mary