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RE: [RC] DO NOT FEED BEET PULP DRY - Part 1 - Susan E. Garlinghouse, D.V.M.

Some horses do okay with the pelleted.  But, since “pellets” of any kind are high on the list of feeds likely to cause choke, I strongly recommend they be fed wet and sloppy.  If you have to feed beet pulp dry, then feed the shredded, or feed a processed type such as a beet-pulp-based commercial feed.  For some classes of horses where choke is more likely, then virtually every type of feed should be fed as wet as possible--- 1) older horses (they don’t produce as much saliva and are less likely to have fully functional dentition); 2) horses at an endurance ride (because you never pass up a chance to add fluids and dehydrated, tired horses also produce less saliva, and 3) horses with a history of choking consistently, or that otherwise tend to bolt their food.


Notice all these arguments apply to PELLETS --- whether or not the pellet happens to consist of beet pulp or something else is irrelevant.


Susan Garlinghouse, DVM, MS




From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Sherman
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 3:02 PM
To: Ridecamp
Subject: [RC] DO NOT FEED BEET PULP DRY - Part 1


I thought I read that the "okay" to feed beet pulp dry referred to shredded only, NOT pelleted beet pulp.

