[RC] ReactorPanel at AERC Convention - need anything? - Reactorpanel
Hello All -
The ReactorPanel Team will be in Reno (er, make that Sparks) next week for the AERC convention. While we'll be well stocked with things like sheepskin seat covers and fenders, saddle pads (and, of course, saddles!), please be in touch if there is something you need so that we can be sure to have it on hand for you.
Already have an RP? Come and see us - we'd love to hear how you're doing. Curious about the saddles? Come and see us - we'll talk horses and saddles all day.
See you in Reno,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Carmi Weininger The ReactorPanel Saddle Company 414 Lesser Street - Oakland, CA - 94601 1-888-771-4402 (toll free in the U.S.) http://www.reactorpanel.com/
Manufacturers of the ReactorPanel Saddle, and Distributors of: RP Centrelastic girths and matching stirrup leathers Port Lewis Impression Pad to test saddle fit Saddle pads from Mattes GmbH, Skito Enterprises and Toklat Originals JMS Sheepskin full seat covers and stirrup-covering fenders Mattes Sheepskin girth covers Passier Lederbalsam and Saddle Soap