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[RC] favorite color - k s swigart

Kris in Idaho said:

And I've got this theory - your favorite horse color tends
to be the color of your first horse...So, those of you who
have a preference, is that the color that your first horse was?

My favorite color horse is a chestnut....because Man o' War was a
chestnut (and while Man o' War wasn't my first horse, he was my first
love :)).

However, my first horse was also a chestnut, because I already HAD a
long standing preference for chestnuts.

NOW?  I have a bunch of bays.  And I like bays just fine too.

What I don't like are horses with lots of white on them (which pretty
much includes all grays :)), and for the simple reason that they are
hard to keep clean.  But it may also have something to do with being a
Thoroughbred person, and there is little love of excessive white
markings or grays in the Thoroughbred world.

Orange County, Calif.


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