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Re: [RC] Gas price survey - Joe Long

On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 15:53:10 -0800, "Typef" <typef@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 I think the oil companies are trying to scam us AGAIN!  They are using the 
excuse of "war" but there is no war yet...seems to me it is another big 
excuse to reach into our pockets and I'm really angry.
Crude oil, like everything from pork bellies to corn, is traded on a
commodities market ... with futures contracts.  An anticipated future
shortage raises prices.  Also, the U.S. gets a lot of its oil from
Venezuela, and the general strike there crippled their output, raising
prices worldwide.

The future of oil prices is uncertain.  If a war happens quickly and
is over quickly, they will likely fall back to normal quickly.  If
there is a protracted period of "war is immenent," or if war comes but
goes badly, they could go much higher than now.

And, that very uncertainty is what drives the price of "oil futures"
up.  In any commodities market, the price of contracts for future
delivery affect prices today, reflecting the cost to the supplier for
replacing his inventory.


Joe Long

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[RC] Gas price survey, Kathie Ford
Re: [RC] Gas price survey, Typef