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    Re: [RC] Where are all the Arabian track horses??? - Colleen Egleston

    There are several trainers in Michigan that have horses off the track.  I have purchased two ex-racehorses to use for endurance.  One was so mistreated on the track that he couldn't mentally come down, and the other is great, although I haven't used him for endurance yet.  The first  horse cost me $1300 and the second $1500.  The second was the better horse, about 14.3 hands, alabaster white, a stallion still at eight years old, (I took care of that IMMEDIATELY) and all around good boy.  He hasn't had alot of training, so we've been working on not spooking and letting up on my hands.
    You need to be EXTRA CAREFUL though, a friend of mine was interested in a gelding off the tracks, offered by a breeder in the Delton, Michigan area (that's all I'll tell you).  She had the horse pre-purchase vetted and x-rayed at Michigan State and they said no way could he do endurance, he had some real leg problems.  The breeder called her a few months later to tell her she had sold the horse to an endurance rider in Michigan after all, she apparently was proud of her deception.  I feel sorry for both this horse and the rider, it's a bay gelding by the way, around six years old, hint, hint.
    There are alot of honest people out there and just as many who are dishonest.  Leslie Bickel owns a half brother to one of my colts, she strikes me as pretty honest and caring about the horses.  She may know of some good retired horses for sale out there, her number is 616-636-8445. e-mail: meadowlanerace@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 10:25 AM
    Subject: [RC] Where are all the Arabian track horses???

     TB's are everywhere off the track so where are all the Arabians off the track???? Are their any websites for them? I have looked and not found any....I'm just curious since Arabians are my favorite:) I have one horse that is off the track but I bought him from someone who had already trained him. THanks! Colleen

    [RC] Where are all the Arabian track horses???, Colleen Jones