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Hi Ridecampers (and Becky)
    As usual, Terry Wooley-Howe put on another wonderful ride!  The weather couldn't have been better, about 80 degrees with a breeze and crisp the first 15 miles.  Trail was perfect and NO ROCKS!!  Despite a shortage of volunteers, the ride went well.  The major glitch was the caterer for the post-ride meal was a NO SHOW.  Terry and her husband, David (the wonder Doc!) pulled together and went to the community of Boulevard (nothing is real close to base camp)and were able to rustle up 150 of the best burritos, rice and beans I've had in a while.  It was a couple hours late, but it was hot and delicious!  Kudos to Terry and Dave for pulling it off.  And the cake for desert was yummy.  The only results I remember was;
50 miler-  1st-Ernie Lohman on Don Juan
           2nd-Shelli Sexton Lohman on Cilantro(?)
           3rd and BEST CONDITION was Gary Glazer on Acting Up
Sorry I don't remember anything for the 25 milers (no offense LDers, I used to be one too!) There was about 50 starting in each ride.  I think about 8 DNF in the 50, not sure about the LD.
It was a really nice ride, basecamp, tons of water and food on course.  Missed you Becky, see you at Silver State!  Debbie

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