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Re: RC: looking for a job

   Go to college...get a back up career...just in
case..persue your horse passion parttime during
college summers on a farm/ the time
you graduate you'll have a better perspective on what
you want to do....if its working with horses great
atleast now you'll always have a backup career. even
so alot of what you learn in college you will apply to
your horse career.


--- "" <> wrote:
> anonamous
> I was wandering if there were any endurance
> farms/ranches that were looking to hire someone to
> work for them full time. I am an experienced
> endurance rider and have also done an internship at
> my local large animal clinic,and will be graduating
> from High School in may of 2001. I have been around
> and taken care of horses all my life and would like
> to pursue a carear dealing with horses.
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