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Endurance.Net Home 2021 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies
2020 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

2019 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

2018 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

2017 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

2016 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

2015 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

2014 Owyhee Chills No Frills - photos and results

2013 Owyhee Chills No Frills - photos and results

2012 Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

2011 Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

2010 Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

2009 Hallowed Weenies - photos and results

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2018 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies
Images by Merri Melde
Ride photos by Judy Theis and Cat Cook!


Oreana, Idaho

20,000 Mile-stone for the Northwest Region’s Karen Steenhof

by Merri Melde-Endurance.net
November 10 2021

In finishing the final ride of the Northwest Endurance season, the Owyhee Halloween ride in southwest Idaho, Karen Steenhof, 68, crossed the 20,000 AERC mile mark aboard her gelding WMA Proclaim (Riley).

She reached 18,000 miles in the 2016 Halloween ride (also aboard Riley). Back then she hoped she’d reach the 20K mark, but wasn’t sure her body would hold up. “It took me 5 years to get the last 2k. My body held up for 20,000 miles,” Karen said, “and then it broke!” She rode this season’s Halloween ride with a possible torn meniscus.

Karen started riding horses when she was 6 years old; she stumbled onto the sport of Endurance in 1985, with a pony cross mare named Sunday. She ultimately rode Sunday for 1910 AERC miles before she moved to Arabians.

Back in 2016 after her 18,000-mile achievement, she recalled three of her most favorite rides over the years, which exist no more: the Turkey Trot near Eagle, Idaho during her first Endurance season; the 5-day Ft Schellborne XP in Nevada; and the 50-mile Buckskin Challenge in eastern Idaho.

The Turkey Trot took place in November in the snow, and was just a memorable, fun ride on her mare Sunday.

"Ft Schellborne was peaceful. It was the hidden Nevada. You know, the Nevada you see on the highway is flat, and then you go into this beautiful country on horseback.

"The Buckskin Challenge was a really hard ride. There aren't that many rides that I can remember saying, 'Oh no, it's over already!' Usually you're like, 'Whew - finally, I'm finished!' But this one I was thinking, 'Oh, I wish we could go longer!' I was crushed when they decided not to have that ride anymore."

Karen’s current mount, 14-year-old Riley, is a steady, forward, former racehorse who has proven to be calm and rate-able on trail. With Karen, Riley has 2145 miles over 6 seasons, with a 100% completion rate, and this year’s Halloween ride was his 78th consecutive completion.

“I expect to do more LDs now….but it would be great if Riley and I could get a Decade Team award---that would mean doing at least one 50 the next 4 years. We will see if my body holds up…”

But then, that’s what Karen said at 18,000 miles and she made it here!

Karen’s 18,000-mile mark story is here

Above photo by Judy Theis at the Owyhee Halloween ride. Karen often wins Best Costume, and she won again this year in the 50-mile ride!

photos from the Ride!

Last Ride of the 2021 Season: Owyhee Halloween

by Merri Melde-Endurance.net

Wrapping up with the last ride of the season in the Northwest region: the Owyhee Halloween ride in the desert of southwest Idaho.

Good people, good horses, great weather, great trails, a bunch of good costumes, and a fun time.

Junior costume winner Neve Pruzan on Kismet Bolero!

Willie was supposed to be an Appaloosa/Standardbred, but I didn't do a very good job on his spots!

Convict Connie from the Dept of Corrections

Captain Jack Sparrow (aboard Jack) and his (Debbie's) little sidekick (granddaughter)

Grownup Costume winner winner Steven Coziah on The Duchess of Beatty's Butte!

Now: Bring on winter!

Come join us for the last ride of the Northwest season on October 31!
We WILL have a Halloween Costume Contest!

Ride Manager: Regina Rose: 208 250 8662, rrose4u2002@yahoo.com

Come join us for the last ride of the Northwest season! We'll have an moderate trail, using 2 track, and cow trails, decent footing. Water at the right places. Vet checks in camp.

Registration and vetting will start at 2 PM Friday afternoon. We'll have a ride meeting and snacks Friday evening to describe the trails, vetting, etc. Head Vet: Jessica Heinricks

If coming before Friday- call or email me as gate is locked before then.

Directions to newish ride camp:
From I-84 West (Oregon/Washington) Take Exit 35, south onto Nampa Blvd. (towards Nampa). Left on 3rd St, follow signs to Hwy 45 towards Murphy and Silver City. Right onto Hwy 45 (12th) to Dans Ferry (gas) and Snake River bridge Go left on Hwy 78 just after crossing Snake River. Stay on Hwy 78 , Go past Murphy towards GrandView, Turn Left between Mile marker 46 and 47 at Green marker 19661 and barn.

From I-84 East (Boise, Mountain Home) take Idaho Center exit (exit 38), left off ramp, left at traffic light on Flamingo Rd (towards shopping center) and then take Right onto Happy Valley Rd. Follow Happy Valley several miles, take right on Bowmont Rd, then left onto Hwy 45. Continue south to Snake River (see above)OR Take the Simco Rd exit off of I-84. Go south on Simco Rd until you get to the Mountain Home highway. Turn right onto highway. Follow to Grandview. Turn right past Grandview onto Hwy 78. Turn Right just past mile marker 47 at the barn on your Right and Green house marker 19661.

From I-84 East (East Idaho,Utah/Wyoming) Take Exit 112 at Hammett. Follow signs to Hwy 78 West, towards Bruneau and Grandview. Continue west on 78 past Bruneau and Grandview (approx 45 miles), turn Right just past mile marker 47 at Barn and Green house marker 19661.

2020 Owyhee Halloween - End to a Spooky Year

November 4 2020
by Merri Melde-Endurance.net

Well, all in all, the 2020 endurance ride season can pretty much be summed up as a Nut Job.

But the last ride of the season in the Pacific Northwest, the Owyhee Halloween ride in southwest Idaho, served up perfect weather, just the right amount of challenge in the trails, and enough fairies and princesses and giraffes to make any desert trick or treater, and basically any horse-riding-loving human, happy.

New basecamp was just down the highway near Regina Rose's old place, so we were able to re-visit some of our old trails along the Snake River around Wildhorse Butte. The golden late fall sun makes the water a deep blue you mostly only see in high alpine lakes. Because the summer has been so dry (it last rained somewhere around 1776 or thereabouts) the gophers have taken over some of the two-tracks and cow trails, burrowing under the fine moon dust so that footing would sometimes collapse under a thousand pound animal trotting along. But it's just like any other ride that has challenges… you just had to slow down and watch the footing in places.

14 riders started the 50 - nobody wanted the lead going out and nobody was in a hurry all day - and 11 finished (3 were rider option pulls). Marlene Moss aboard Topper came in first in 6:33, with second place Stace Moss - victoriously Un-bucked off his horse Hank - getting Best Condition. Marlene hit her goal this year of riding all their horses in a ride, and making it to all the rides in the NW region. Nance Worman who finished 3rd aboard Smokey got her Sandybar award - 10 ride completions aboard one horse in a season without a pull.

14 riders started the 25 with all finishing. Kristy Butler and Titan won in 3:27 and 8th place Linda Fickett and Tsultan got Best Condition. Junior Kinley Thunehorst finished third aboard Lady, that's 11 finishes this year for her (including several multi-day rides) in just her second year of riding. Go Juniors!

The Witch of the Wizard of Oz clan had the best Junior costume and the Princess Bride (Jill Hanould) had the best adult costume. Several grandma-grandchild combinations hit the trail together this year!

So ended the strange 2020 endurance ride season out Northwest. Maybe the full blue moon on Halloween was a good sign. 2021 can't possibly be as discombobulated, right?

A Howlin' Owyhee Hallowed Weenies

Monday October 28 2019

The Northwest endurance ride season wrapped up Saturday October 26th in a desert hurricane in the Owyhee Hallowed Weenies. (Rider Kaili Worth appropriately proclaimed it the "Hallowed Windys".)

A small but intrepid group of festive endurance riders and jovial volunteers braved the elements (or ignored the forecast) for one last 2019 trail party. Despite the howling winds, a number of costumes entertained the masses, including Thing 1 and Thing 2, a Trick Rider (Connie with That Guy strapped on her back), Fall and Winter, a scary skeleton, and more.

12 of 13 finished the 50 miler, with David Laws winning aboard his Kentucky Mountain horse Che' Ole, making that their 6th win out of 9 starts this year, and their third Best Condition.

12 of 13 finished the 25 miler, with Carrie Johnson winning aboard Payback Daysea Duke, their 12th completion in 12 Limited Distance starts this season, which included 3 wins and 3 Best Conditions. Second place Allison Kopelowitz and her Appaloosa Pepsi got Best Condition. This was Allison and Pepsi's first endurance season, and they finished all 4 of their Limited Distance starts.

The Best Chili Ever was served for the ride dinner (or else everybody was cold and starving, but it was awful good), and there were so many cakes we'll have leftovers for the Owyhee Tough Sucker in April!

And that's a wrap for the Northwest in 2019!

2012 Day 1 by Merri Melde