2015 Owyhee Hallowed Weenies - photos and results
2014 Owyhee Chills No Frills - photos and results
2013 Owyhee Chills No Frills - photos and results
2012 Hallowed Weenies - photos and results 2011 Hallowed Weenies - photos and results 2010 Hallowed Weenies - photos and results 2009 Hallowed Weenies - photos and results
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Tuesday November 7 2017
by Merri Melde-Endurance.net
We had it all for the last ride of the season, the Owyhee Hallowed Weenies: gently watered trails (after 4 months of no rain), a little morning sleet/snowballs, a little afternoon sun, 1 little bouquet of purple asters on the trails, a glimpse of the Owyhee mountains blanketed in a heavy coat of snow, a couple of new riders all the way from Portland, a bonfire in the driveway, a modest group of riders, good chili, good bluegrass jamming, several Princesses, an eye-popping Lady Godiva, a butterfly, and Winnie the Pooh (winner of the Halloween contest).
18 started the 50 with 17 finishing. Dick Root and OFW Alivia nipped Lynn Rigney and Predictable, with Predictable getting Best Condition. Junior Laura Nicholes finished her first 50 on her little gray gelding Hugo, riding with sister/sponsor Beth Nicholes on DWA Zifhaffir. They were the Princesses on trail. We all forgot to throw Laura in the water trough afterwards for her congratulations, so, next year, watch out, Laura!
9 started the 25 with 8 finishing. Debbie Grose and her super horse Jack out-squeaked Nance Worman and Fancy for the win, with Jack getting Best Condition.
Our horses were fast and forward and fun on the 50. I book-ended my ride season with a substitute jockey ride on Sarah's horse Dezzie (thanks Sarah!) - started with the Owyhee Tough Sucker in April and ended with the Owyhee Hallowed Weenies. We followed Connie and DWA Saruq, and that made a most excellent 665-mile season for both horses and a first 100-miler for both (and for Junior Sarah!).
A good part of the little village that is SWITnDR came out to ride (including The Raven), or hang out and help, and to bring down the curtain on the 2017 Northwest ride season.
Bring on hairy horses and winter!
It's fall in Owyhee County - weather can be almost anything! Generally dry but could be warm or cold, ya never know! And there might be a little wind. Trails will consist of single track trails, jeep roads, cow paths, sand washes, ridge tops - and the footing is pretty decent! Some rocky sections but nothing really horid. Rolling terrain, but a generally easy-moderate trail. You'll be riding south to Hart Creek, and across Triangle Rd for a loop around the Browns Ck drainage for the first loop. The second loop will be single track trails, cow trails, jeep roads, a little bit of everything - north a bit, then south a bit, should be a fun trail.
Between mile markers 42 and 43, you'll turn south on the Oreana Road (little green sign points to Oreana, between mile markers 42 and 43). That goes about 2 miles or so, and when you come down the 2nd hill, you'll see the big spread (NOT!) of Oreana in front of you. Slow down when you get to the first house; right after a "Slow Children" sign, you'll take a right on a dirt road. (like, the only dirt road going right in that area, so you won't take the wrong one). This is Bates Creek Road.
Follow this dirt road toward the mountains for 5 miles. If you think you've gone too far on Bates Creek road, keep going! Ignore the "Private Road" signs and don't pay attention to any "No Trespassing" signs. Keep going! you'll pass the occasional ranch along the creek. when you get to a big place with a bunch horses, that's not us, keep going! (don't pay attention to the order of house #s because they are not in order). Really, it's about 5 miles down this dirt road.
Eventually, about about 4 miles or so you'll pass on your right a funky silver barn-looking thing with a trailer, hovercraft, and Burning-Man-like sculptures and artwork outside.Next place will be neighbors with horses on your left, Lost Juniper ranch, and we will be the next place on your left. You made it!
From I-84 West (Utah): Take Hammett exit 112 onto Hwy 78. Go through Bruneau and Grandview towards Oreana. Turn left between mile markers 42 and 43 onto the Oreana road.