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Endurance.Net Home 2016 Lost'n Lava
Lost-N-Lava, Idaho

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Lost-N-Lava Trails
Images by Merri Melde


Trails will be a little different this year. To avoid some rocky trail north of the canal I decided to take the two-track that goes to Magic Reservoir around Rattlesnake Butte. I never did see any snakes on that trail. Should be fun. I also have a couple other changes trail-wise to make for a little more variety. All holds will be in camp. Porta Potties will be at camp Thursday instead of Friday. I learned that during harvest season it's best to order those things a day early to make sure they get used! Saturday night dinner will be chicken fajita's catered by El Sombrerro in Jerome. Lots of rice and beans and veggies and fruit to go with that. Should be good for vegetarians and carnivores alike (They don't use lard in their cooking).

Last year my secretary had to bag out on me at the last minute so I ended up spending all day Friday taking registrations. So this year I'm giving an incentive for early registration. If you register before Sept 16th the fee is $90. After 9-16 it will be $105. I won't cash checks unless you start but I really need to get a good idea on the head-count for the food. It will also save me some anxiety.

There might still be water in the canal and river, but I'll call the Barneys and see if they know the flowing water situation. I doubt there will be water in the canal by the end of September. Who knows about the river though.

Now for the begging part. Who ever wants to come help gets fed! I need pulse takers, a gate tender for the start, someone to time in the first ten 55 milers, and various go-fers. Let me know so I don't have a pre-ride melt down.