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Endurance.Net Home 2015 City of Rocks Pioneer

City of Rocks - Idaho Parks & Rec

City of Rocks - NPS

City of Rocks National Reserve
Images by Merri Melde
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From Boise take I-84 to exit 216 (Declo); go south on Idaho 77 to Conner Creek Junction, then southwest on the Elba-Almo Road.

One mile south of the visitor center in Almo, PASS BY the intrance to City of Rocks/Equestrian Campground. Instead, continue straight south onto dirt road, and you'll shortly see Ridecamp on your right - Castle View RV Park. Follow the pink ribbons & Ridecamp signs!

From Pocatello and Idaho Falls, take I-86 and I-84 to exit 216 and proceed as above.

From Salt Lake City take I-84 to exit 245 (Sublett/Malta) then head west toward Malta.

Turn left (south) onto highway 81 for .2 miles to Highway 77, then turn right (west). At Connor Creek Junction, follow directions above toward Almo.


Basecamp is at 5400 ft and weather in early June should make for comfortable riding. But be prepared for anything since it is springtime in the mountains!

Wunderground forecast for Almo, Idaho

Trails and footing

Footing in this area is good, with a few rocky sections, but it is NOT a rocky ride! There will be some climbing everyday into the aspen forests. There are beautiful single track trails through the City of Rocks National Reserve, and 2-track roads and cow trails through BLM land. USFS trails will be a combination of dirt road and 2-track, some single track trail through the aspen groves.

The course will be rolling - with climbs each day into the aspen groves, around 6000 - 7000 ft elevation. Saturday riders will ride into the National Forest, highest point for 50 milers is 8500 ft. Moderate difficulty as the climbs are well graded and the footing is good, but every day there will be significant climbing.

Almo, Idaho

History, pioneers, wagon trains, agriculture

Shops and Amenities

Outpost Steakhouse (GOOD!)
Almo Creek Inn
Tracy Creek General Store
Durfee Hot Springs - several pools and outdoor showers)
Showers, toilets and Internet at Smokey Mountain Campground (small fee) adjacent to basecamp