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2013 Owyhee Chills No Frills
Images by Merri Melde

Owyhee Chills No Frills Endurance Ride

25, 50, 75 Miles

Ride is based out of Regina's ranch on Wees Rd. Easy access off of Hwy 78, indoor meeting area and dinners provided. Potable water in camp.

It's spring time in Owyhee County - weather can be almost anything! Generally dry but could be hot or cold, ya never know! And there might be a little wind. Trails will consist of jeep roads, cow paths, sand washes, ridge tops - and the footing is excellent! Some rolling hills, but a generally easy trail. Ride around Wild Horse Butte along the Snake River, on parts of the original Oregon Trail, through the Morley Nelson Birds of Prey National Conservation Area. The BOPNCA established in 1993 to protect a unique environment that supports one of the world's densest concentrations of nesting birds of prey. Falcons, eagles, hawks, and owls occur here in unique profusion and variety. It is part of BLM's National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS). Read more about the conservation area here.

Head Vet: Matt Dredge DVM
Ride Manager: Regina Rose Email: rrose4u2002@yahoo.com Phone: 208-250-8662

From I-84 East (Oregon) Take Nampa exit 35 and follow signs to Hwy 45 (to Murphy)which takes you south towards Murphy. Follow hwy 78 east (left) after crossing the Snake River. Continue past the Oreana turnoff, take the next left (north) onto Wees Rd, after mile marker 47, just past the Utter Massacre historical. Take the next left onto Regina's drive. From I-84 West (Utah): Take Hammett exit 112 onto Hwy 78. Go through Bruneau and Grandview towards Oreana. Turn right (north) onto Wees road just after mile marker 48, after crossing Castle Creek. Next left onto Regina's drive.

Start for the 50 will be around 8:30am-ish.
The 25 start is around 10 am-ish.
Both subject to change!