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2014 Eagle Extreme

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Eagle Extreme

Photos by Steve Bradley here

My 24,000 mile Ride at Eagle - Karen Bumgarner
Karenshorsetales Blog - Full Story

July 6 2014

There is truly nothing like a good ride with great friends on fine horses!! It just doesn't get much better than that to this endurance junkie. Plus on this ride upon my wonderful Blue, I surpassed the AERC milestone of 24,000 AERC miles!

Steve Bradley got a great capture of the three of us at Eagle Extreme. All photos in this segment by Steve Bradley Photography.

Eagle Extreme was late going on the ride schedule and was held June 14 this year. Ride management did a wonderful job of putting together two nice loops through the Eagle hills for the 50 mile ride which is what we chose...

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Eagle Extreme is sanctioned for June 14 2014 with 25,50 & 75 Miles. New this year I am including a "Into Ride" that will be 15 miles.

Eagle Foothills consist of two-track roads and single-track trails, with some cross-country, some elevation gains and repeat trail. Mostly sandy trails with some rocky sections, hoof protection is recommended.

SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This ride is entirely on private land. Ride management would like to extend special thanks to land owners Spring Valley Ranch, M3 Company, Suncor Corporation and Harry Bettis.