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Owyhee Tough Sucker

The 7th Annual Owyhee Tough Sucker (No Frills) I & II Endurance Ride

Ride II Photos by Magic Hour Photography here

Tough Sucker I

Tough Sucker II - Vet In

Tough Sucker II - Loop 1

Tough Sucker II - Loop 2

Owyhee Tough Sucker II: Same Trails, Different Desert
by Merri Melde

Saturday April 27 2013

The trails were the same for the Owyhee Tough Sucker II... but we could have been riding in an entirely different desert. It's all about the weather. Storm clouds and rain during the Tough Sucker I painted the Owyhee desert different hues of gold and yellow, black, blue and purple; sun and heat during the Tough Sucker II made the desert bigger, dustier, and white hot.

The morning trail started with dust

and long morning shadows over the dry Owyhee desert.

Horses didn't drink so much water at the Tough Sucker I, but most of the water tubs and sponge buckets were near empty on this hot ride, where one thermometer at Ridecamp showed 87 degrees in the shade of a trailer. A decent breeze kept trail heat at a bearable level...


75 at Tough Sucker II - Karen Bumgarner
Karenshorsetales Blog - Full Story

April 27 2013

Deja Vu!! Back in Oreana, ID at the Tough Sucker ride in April. The only difference was in 2012 there were 4 entries on the 75, this year there were two. Sad but I really wanted to do the 75. At least I had someone to ride with, Trish Frahm and I were riding it together. Last year Thunder and I did the whole thing by ourselves.

The almost full moon was going down
The sun was coming up
The shadows were long as we were the only horses and riders trotting around the desert surrounded by the Owyhees...

Read more here:

Owyhee Tough Sucker I: Riders on the Storm!
by Merri Melde

April 6 2013

There's always something tough about the April Owyhee Tough Sucker rides, and it's usually the weather.

And there are always tough suckers that come prepared for anything, usually the weather!

The Owhyee Tough Sucker I didn't disappoint in the elements department nor in the rewards. The 50% chance of rain and cool breeze didn't deter the riders, but it did keep the gnats away, which is always a bonus feature in the spring months. A heavy cloud cover kept the desert cool all day (convenient for those horses who hadn't shed all their winter coats yet) while steel blue storm clouds flitted to the east and west and overhead, scattering rain showers, painting the desert different moods, and testing the veracity of raincoats.

With John on the Dramatic Sunny, and Steph on the Amazing Flying Rhett (almost 22 years old, and 6000+ miles, and as Rhett as ever!), I tagged along on Steph's wonderful Jose for the 50 mile ride.

The trails were familiar, but they still always feel like you're still seeing them for the first time. The Hallelujah Trail along one of the rims of the Badlands never gets old, offering a sweeping view from the Owyhee Mountains (under a wind-churned tablecloth of a snow cloud) to the black bluffs of Wild Horse Butte along the Snake River to the north, where we'd be riding on Loop 2. The striated yellow hills and lines of sediment still show where this land used to sit under water.


A small group of Totally Tough Suckers rode, crewed and supported the first SWIT&DR ride of 2013 yesterday. I may not have the numbers totally right but I think 19 started the 50, 18 completed, and 13 started/completed the LD.

The word of the day was weather. If you didn't like it, not to worry, it soon changed. We had sunshine, clouds and oh by the way, RAIN. Real gully washers in fact and those of us in camp waited anxiously for the poor, drenched riders to slog their way back. Dusty trails quickly turned to muck in places, with stories of horses going sideways down the trail in an effort to turn tail to the wind, and riders off leading in places because of the wind and HAIL. Those of us back in camp huddled in Regina's barn.

Congratulations to all who rode and completed, and special thanks to Regina and her crew for another fine start to a new season!!!

Pam Haynes

Tough Sucker riders are based out of Regina's ranch on Wees Rd. Easy access off of Hwy 78, indoor meeting area and dinners provided. Potable water in camp.

It's spring time in Owyhee County - weather can be almost anything! Generally dry but could be hot or cold, ya never know! And there might be a little wind.

Trails will consist of jeep roads, cow paths, sand washes, ridge tops - and the footing is excellent! Some rolling hills, but a generally easy trail. Ride around Wild Horse Butte along the Snake River, on parts of the original Oregon Trail, through the Birds of Prey conservation area.

Perfect springtime rides!

Ride Entries
50 miles and LD: $93
75 miles (Tough Sucker II): $130
Trail Ride: $30
Juniors 1/2 price

Dinner included with all ride entries!

Much of the trail will go through the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area, established in 1993 to protect a unique environment that supports one of the world's densest concentrations of nesting birds of prey. Falcons, eagles, hawks, and owls occur here in unique profusion and variety. It is part of BLM's National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS). Read more about the conservation area

Head Vet: Robert Washington DVM
Ride Manager: Regina Rose Email: rrose4u2002@yahoo.com Phone: 208-250-8662

From I-84 East (Oregon) Take Nampa exit 35 and follow signs to Hwy 45 (to Murphy)which takes you south towards Murphy. Follow hwy 78 east (left) after crossing the Snake River. Continue past the Oreana turnoff, take the next left (north) onto Wees Rd, after mile marker 47, just past the Utter Massacre historical. Take the next left onto Regina's drive.

From I-84 West (Utah): Take Hammett exit 112 onto Hwy 78. Go through Bruneau and Grandview towards Oreana. Turn right (north) onto Wees road just after mile marker 48, after crossing Castle Creek. Next left onto Regina's drive.