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Endurance.Net Home 2013 Owyhee Fandango
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2008 Fandango
2009 Fandango
2010 Fandango
2011 Fandango - photos, stories & results
2012 Fandango - photos, stories & results

photos from previous years:

2009 Fandango Day 3
Images by Merri Melde

2009 Fandango Day 2
Images by Merri Melde
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click here for the 2014 Owyhee Fandango website

A Multiday Pioneer ride with 3 Days of LD and Endurance
All events 50 and 60 mile events are AHA sanctioned

60 > 80 mile Elevator AND 80 > 100 Mile Elevator on Day 3
Best Condition awards sponsored by Mandolynn Hill Farms

Owyhee Fandango Photos by Merri Melde

Sinker Canyon Day 1

Hart Creek Day 2

Petroglyphs Day 3

Photos by Steve Bradley here

The Dining Area! by Sarah Ewing

The 80 and 100 mile riders will turn around at the petroglyphs this year - we won't be taking you all the way to Guffy Bridge and Celebration Park. (no boulders). It will be a relatively easy 100, and if you're wanting to qualify for the National Championship at City of Rocks, this would be a good 100 to try.

Saturday Hoof Care Clinic

presented by Christoph Schork of Global Endurance Training Center
Wine & Cheese Party afterwards sponsored by Vettec
Click here for info on clinic

All Ride Entries include a GREAT Dinner prepared by Wynne and Melissa

Pre-register - simply Send me an email with your name/AERC# and your horse's name/AERC# . And if you need to rent a corral, please let us know!

Day 1: Sinker Canyon
Rocky and VERY scenic ride through Sinker canyon
Half-way vetcheck will be in the canyon

Day 2: Hart Creek
25/50 miles
Some rock and creek crossings
moderate footing
Holds in camp

Day 3: Snake River Petroglyphs
30/60/80/100 miles
*Elevator 60->80, 80->100
Good footing, gentle trails

Every day a different trail!
Click Here for more Trail Info

Come join us this year for another Owyhee adventure. We will have 3 days of great trails. This is a beautiful time in the Owyhees with grass and wild flowers, water in the creeks and snow on the mountains.

Best Condition Blankets sponsored by Mandolynn Hill Arabians

Pre-Ride Events

Hoof Care and Booting Clinic

Christoph Schork will offer a free hoof care clinic on Saturday, May 24 from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
Hoof Clinic by Christoph Schork from Global Endurance Training Center Christoph will demonstrate various hoof trims for barefoot riding, shoeing, booting, gluing. Various hoof protection methods will be on display and explained, followed by a demonstration of an Easyboot hoof boot gluing on two hooves.

Questions will be answered and participants can bring their own horses for a free hoof and trim evaluation.

A wine and cheese reception sponsored by Vettec will follow the clinic.
Don't miss this event! Mark your calendar for Saturday from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM at the Owyhee Base Camp.

Ride management will provide dinner and happy hour to all ride entries on the day that you ride. Additional meals may be purchased at the cafe through Monday morning breakfast.

Fandango Trails Previews by Merri Melde

Sinker Canyon

Snake River Petroglyphs

Sinker Canyon Video Preview

2012 Fandango Video Previews

Video: Conditioning for the Owyhee Fandango 100

Video: 2012 Thursday before Day 1


Ride Managers: Steph Teeter, 208 473 4877 or 208 834 2788, cell: 208 250 6898 Email: steph@endurance.net
Regina Rose, 208 250 6882, Email: rrose4u2002@yahoo.com

Head Veterinarian : Dick Root DVM
Additional vets:
Tom Currier DVM (Saturday and Sunday)
David Hayes DVM (Friday and Sunday)
Jessica Heinrick (Sunday)