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Sunrise Ranch Rides - Death Valley Encounter
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2009 Death Valley Encounter
Images by John & Steph

2013 Death Valley Warm-up

Riding in the Ridgecrest Desert!

Old Stomping Grounds

Death Valley Warmup Ride I &II (Intro/Fun Ride + 50/50 &25/25)

Region: Pacific South,California.

Date: December 7 and 8,2013 (2014 ride season)

Directions: Ridecamp will be at Coso Junction,approximately 35 miles north of Ridgecrest on Hwy 395,behind the Chevron gas station. Click here to get directions via google.

Trail Description: This ride will be on jeep roads and single track trails with a moderate amount of elevation gain. Footing will be sandy with a few occasional rocky sections.

Ride Rules: AERC rules apply. The management,unlike the AERC Board of Directors,is able to differentiate between an endurance ride and an endurance race. If you are into endurance riding you will probably enjoy this ride. If you are a real competitor and are looking for a race you are likely to find the lack of structure here to be an abomination. This is an old time endurance ride like we used to have when you could print all the AERC rules on a single page. Back in the good old days we used to ride more and read less. Those were better times.

Ride Photographer:Lynne Glazer will be shooting this ride!